What does HackerNews think of mvp?

MVP.css — Minimalist classless CSS stylesheet for HTML elements

Language: HTML

#9 in CSS
You could pay a front end dev to use a preexisting template.

Or, you could Google “classless CSS”, if you’re OK writing some HTML.

I made a plug and play CSS library here for those that don’t want to write CSS: https://github.com/andybrewer/mvp

https://github.com/andybrewer/mvp/ - Out of the box CSS styling for HTML elements. No class names, no framework to learn.
I say this out of a genuine desire to be helpful, I promise: you wouldn't be translating your Markdown "into CSS", you'd be translating it into HTML, and then optionally applying CSS

To your original point, if you want something really simple this might work (haven't tried it, just found it on Google): https://github.com/gomarkdown/mdtohtml

And then for CSS, you could drop in something like this: https://github.com/andybrewer/mvp