What does HackerNews think of andOTP?
[Unmaintained] Open source two-factor authentication for Android
I did recently discover that andOTP is no longer maintained, though. I've switched to Aegis since.
It's seamless and doesn't need an internet connection.
- [0]: https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP
- [1]: https://syncthing.net/
I wish F-Droid or Play Store had a feature like GitHub's 'Archived' to inform users.
(And yep, I found out about Google Authenticator the hard way, trying to transfer from my previous phone!)
[1] https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP
I'm not impressed with Authy's privacy policy, especially this part which mirrors the Google issues:[3]
> We use the information we gather from you to monitor for unusual or suspicious activity in your account, to communicate with you about your account, and as additional information that can be used to validate who you are if you need to recover your account or your account has been or may be compromised.
Authy also collects and shares more of your private information than most OTP apps:[3]
> When you use our app we collect: Your phone number, device information, and email address.
> We also share your information with our third party service providers as necessary for them to provide their services to us. We may also have to share your information with third parties if required to do so by law.
> Your information will be transferred to the U.S.
It is open source, maintained, easy to use, can do backups and re-present the QR code so you can easily scan it with another device.
As an extra suggestion: if you use an Android phone for OTP, [andOTP](https://github.com/andOTP/andOTP) supports exporting directly into a PGP-encrypted JSON file which can then be either imported back into the app or converted back to QR codes with a script.
Since it allows you to trigger the export using a Broadcast Intent, I have it set up to do that as a part of my weekly backup Tasker script (of course, you could also just use any other sync solution and manually export when you add a new code).
It's also available on f-droid [1] and of course open source [2].
[1]: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.shadowice.flocke.andotp/