What does HackerNews think of awesome-crdt?

A collection of awesome CRDT resources

Is trying to be the “essential CRDT”? CRDT didn’t spring from the quivering Internet jello fully formed in 2006. I feel this should go further back. I recall doing CRDT-like things for distributed message threading in ’97, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t original work. E.g. I recall some reading some paper[1] at the time which referenced Lamport’s 1978 note on distributed time[2].

The Awesome CRDT[3] references earlier material too.

[1] https://fileadmin.cs.lth.se/cs/Personal/Amr_Ergawy/dist-algo... [2] https://www.ics.uci.edu/~cs230/reading/time.pdf [3] https://github.com/alangibson/awesome-crdt

CRDTs are incredible. I recommend checking out the original link [1] as well as this “awesome” list [2]

[1] https://madebyevan.com/algos/

[2] https://github.com/alangibson/awesome-crdt

For those that want to go down the rabbit hole: https://github.com/alangibson/awesome-crdt

I'll be adding this link pretty soon.

Anyone wanting more info on CRDTs can check out the index I'm maintaining at https://github.com/alangibson/awesome-crdt
For those that can't get enough CRDT info, I've got a list going at https://github.com/alangibson/awesome-crdt.

Mine definitely doesn't have the name pedigree though, given that 3 of the biggest names in CRDT research run crdt.tech. Keep up the good work!

Anyone wondering why this is cool or what CRDTs are, I'm maintaining a list of Awesome CRDT (tm) resources:
