What does HackerNews think of WLED?
Control WS2812B and many more types of digital RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 or ESP32 over WiFi!
If you can find a tree with programmable RGP pixels, all you need is to remove their controller and wire it to an espixelstick. Then flash it with WLED.
Exactly this. Competing with WLED and the QuinLED boards is a tall order. For anyone looking for an easy button with most features you'd want - these two are it.
[0] https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED [1] https://quinled.info/
WLED is also fantastic if you are using WS/APA/STK style addressable LEDs. You just need a dirt cheap ESP32/8266 and you get a wifi connected lamp with a lovely web ui, cool animations, android app, timers, home automation integrations etc etc.
For the software part, WLED [0] really does just about anything you’d want to do with those led strips.
I drive the wemos d1 and led’s from a 12V battery with a 12-5V stepdown converter. I attach the 5V to the esp and the led’s. The 3.3V logic level works on the first led and is repeated at 5V to all subsequent led’s.
Anyone looking into this (seems you can't get your hands on the hardware just now, skimming the comments?) may want to look int WLED...
All you need is a NanoMCU / ESP8266, a power source and LED-strips of you choice... There even are iOS (and i think Android) apps to control the strips via Wifi, options to sync N strips etc. etc...