What does HackerNews think of avmplus?

Source code for the Actionscript virtual machine

Language: ActionScript

They have outsourced a large chunk of it[1], although you could argue not enough of it.

1. https://github.com/adobe/avmplus

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that you need the source code to compile a program using Emscripten? Even if some components of the Player are open-sourced [1], the Player itself is still closed source.

[1]: https://github.com/adobe/avmplus

About the open source AVM2, there are in total 3 versions:

The tamarin project on Mozilla mercurial with tamarin-central [0] and tamarin-redux [1]

Then after the project got abandoned, Adobe renamed it to avmplus and moved it to github [2] and made a couple updates.

Later on, they moved it to another repo [3], updated it on December 2015 to the equivalent of Flash Player v19.0 and updated it again on Mars 2016 to the equivalent of Flash Player v20.0 (codename rankin).

I maintain a fork/extension named redtamarin [4] which focus mainly on adding native API to make ActionScript 3.0 run on the command-line, shell scripts, server-side, etc.

imho FlasCC/Alchemy/CrossBridge did not take off because it is much harder for dev to produce a project in C++ than in AS3, also why redtamarin took an opposite approach: bring the C API to the AS3 context instead of forcing users to actually write C/C++ code.

[0]: https://hg.mozilla.org/tamarin-central

[1]: https://hg.mozilla.org/tamarin-redux

[2]: https://github.com/adobe-flash/avmplus

[3]: https://github.com/adobe/avmplus

[4]: https://github.com/Corsaair/redtamarin

Redtamarin: AS3 running on the command line / server side

Basically, based out of the Tamarin [1] / avmplus [2] open source project (not updated anymore) the goal is to develop the runtime to support more native functionalities and other system calls.

It is about the ActionScript 3.0 language and the ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM2), and how to port those to the command-line and server-side and "compete" with many other languages like Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, etc.

So yeah it is probably less sexy than to work on popular JS stuff :D

It's not about cloning V8/Node and do it with AVM2/AS3, it's more about providing the native calls, the tools to let other developers build their own clone of Node.js if they want to.

It's not about producing a "Flash Player clone" either.

Current release is 0.4.1, v0.4.2 coming up next week.

This project can do already a lot but have plenty more potential (at least we think so), if you want to have a "feel" of the project just browse the twitter timeline https://twitter.com/redtamarin plenty of posts, screenshots, and rants etc.

Skills needed: C/C++ (hardcore level), ActionScript 3.0 (advanced level), both or one of the other, any other skills also welcome (svn the odd stuff like marketing/sales)

Github: https://github.com/Corsaair/redtamarin

related Github projects: https://github.com/Corsaair/

Website: http://www.redtamarin.com (need update)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/redtamarin (the news channel)

Forum: https://discuss.as3lang.org/c/redtamarin

How to contribute: https://github.com/Corsaair/redtamarin/wiki/HowToContribute

[1] Tamarin project: http://web.archive.org/web/20110615150847/http://www.mozilla... [2] Avmplus project: https://github.com/adobe/avmplus