What does HackerNews think of planter?

Generate PlantUML ER diagram textual description from PostgreSQL tables

Language: Go

Here's three interesting Rust projects that use plantuml

You can embed plantuml and drawio diagrams in Rust doc comments and have it rendered in the docs, using this crate


And you can generate plantuml from SQL tables using

https://crates.io/crates/sqlant (this one is a rust port of a go tool, https://github.com/achiku/planter)

And you can embed plantuml in mdbook


While it looks really nice, hard to imagine it's quicker to hand draw this than reverse it out of your existing schema. I suppose if you are architecting something brand new then it can make some good sense to map it out quickly if you hate clicking and dragging your mouse around and want something version-controllable.

I would say, however, PlantUML is less pretty but more general as a tool and there are neat tools to make the diagrams directly from your database schema [0].


I use Plant UML in combination with planter [1] to auto-generate a DB schema visualization during CI runs.

Recently I see a lot general statements on HN like "UML is dead" which I think is not the case. Especially in complex, data-heavy projects it's a great way to visualize how things work -- if kept up-to-date and precise.

[1] https://github.com/achiku/planter