What does HackerNews think of dance?

Make your cursors dance with Kakoune-like modal editing in VS Code.

Language: TypeScript

For those of you that use VS Code, there is a plugin[1] that follow a lot of the Kakoune grammar but doesn't try to emulate fully, opting instead for better integration with vscode. I have been using it for a few years after using Kakoune for a few and then trying and failing to make my own Kakoune emulation mode for vscode.

[1]: https://github.com/71/dance

Yes, you'll have to tweak the default keybindings a bit to match Helix but I am using dance successfully:


There is a Kakoune-inspired VSCode extension. [1]

[1] https://github.com/71/dance

There's a VS Code plugin for Kakoune-like editing called Dance. I was looking for a quick way to put multiple cursors over a given word in VSCodeVim; Kakoune (and therefore Dance) is more focused on multi-cursor editing and searching which made it possible for me to do that. Dance is also a much lighter layer over VS Code's built-in commands, making it easier to write custom keybinds and have better compatibility with other extensions.
