What does HackerNews think of 0ad?

Git mirror of the 0 A.D. source code (http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser)

Language: C++

I've played 0 A.D. lightly for about five years, and am excited to learn of another FLOSS RTS! I did a quick comparison of Widelands and 0 A.D. Overviews from the games' respective sites are [1,2], LibreGameWiki articles are [3,4], and source code repos are [5,6].

It seems Widelands focuses more on economics and transport, and maybe less on combat. Screenshots show Widelands has much simpler graphics.

Developmentally, Widelands seems to use GitHub as its main source code repository and issue management system, whereas 0 A.D. uses GitHub as a mirror for its main Trac deployment. Both codebases are roughly 2/3rds C++. Beyond that, Widelands has lots of Lua (27%) and some Python (3%). 0 A.D. has lots of C (24%) and some JavaScript (6%).

Has anyone played both Widelands and 0 A.D.? How do they compare?


[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20210410230450/https://www.widel...

[2] https://play0ad.com/category/game-manual/

[3] https://libregamewiki.org/Widelands

[4] https://libregamewiki.org/0_A.D.

[5] https://github.com/widelands/widelands

[6] https://github.com/0ad/0ad

This is probably one of the better reasons why I like 0AD [1] more than anything (besides being open sourced [2]). If you read the forums and traverse the amazing artwork it's like a history lesson and there was no 0AD so they can mix/match.

[1] - https://play0ad.com/ [2] - https://github.com/0ad/0ad

Also this game is fully open source and is a great resource if you are learning something like Blender or want to dev a game / side mod in .js ... https://github.com/0ad/0ad
Thanks for sharing! I actually thought this was going to point to 0ad [1]...which because it deals with ancient warfare, I had just assumed it was sparked by AOE2 community. Good to know of openage.

Out of curiosity...how much do you still play AOE2? I guess that would implicitly indicate how far along openage is...but I was also interested just how much someone has to love a game to rebuild it from scratch :)


0ad is excellent for quite a number of reasons, first is the history it teaches you, the other is you can grab it @ https://github.com/0ad/0ad and https://github.com/0admods and really tinker w/ the AI and build meshes,models w/ Blender, +1 for 0ad
This is an absolutely awesome open source game. I keep a list of awesome open source games and its one of only two super high quality ones I've been able to find. It also has an embedded SpiderMonkey engine for scripting which was really useful when I was trying to figure out how to get an embedded scripting engine setup a while ago.

Heres the link to its source for those interested: https://github.com/0ad/0ad

The other game Hedgewars has a great haskell server, you can read a summary here with lnk to source: https://github.com/jwaterfaucett/awesome-foss-apps#hedgewars.

Anyway tip of the hat to O A.D devs they are doing a great job!

Previous discussion (it got 532 points just a month ago): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6339917

GitHub mirror of the source: https://github.com/0ad/0ad