Java has a massive ecosystem yet we continue to see rapid replacement of backends in JavaScript (Node now Deno) and Golang. Each of those language ecosystems rapidly became both large (arguably too large) and robust.
Rust has been eating C++ lunch. Same rapid rise of ecosystem story.
Instead of forcing Python to be a language it isn't it might be more efficient and ultimately the "right choice" to invest the time in Julia.
Julia is great for numerical computing, it needs faster time to plot and more hands in the ecosystem. The former will be solved and the latter seems inevitable to me. Pitch in!
Wow I hadn't seen deno before, looks great. I dont like js/ts, but if you have to learn it for front end dev, it makes sense to use it at the back too.
I'm not sure what advantage Julia has over Python. Yeah it has some typing and can be faster, but its too similar. Still single threaded.
As has been pointed out, Julia is not limited to a single thread. It's actually got a pretty good support for parallelism both at the thread and process level.
And no, Julia is not too similar to Python. Julia has multiple dispatch, Python does not.
Another point that is often lost is how mathematical Julia code can look, especially for matrix functions.
Yeh this is superficial, but so are 200 dollar sneakers and they do just fine.
Honestly there is a real pleasure writing code that looks like it could be on the blackboard. The numpy / numba world in Python just feels... not great.
I actually consider that a negative. Mathematical notation is fine when you're dealing with limited space on a blackboard, but if you're programming please name your name variables and take the time to model your domain explicitly.
I don't understand - what is wrong with condensing the python representation `sum_of_lambda_for_each_psi` to `Σλ∀φ`? It seems that 4 symbols is much quicker and easier to read than a slew of snake case stuff.
So, one-letter English labels were deemed bad coding-style for decades, but suddenly one-letter Greek labels are good because some X-language (Julia) supports it. Seriously? How about single-letter Chinese labels? because that is my background and that is what I am comfortable using.
But seriously, it's 2021. We are no longer slave to ASCII, or even English.
Most of the newer math oriented langs have heavy use of unicode (julia, agda, lean, etc).