Take a look at Fossil too: https://www.fossil-scm.org/

It's the distributed version control (and more) used by SQLite. Most people have no idea about how cool the SQLite ecosystem is, and how it's used even on avionics!

long long long time ago Fossil destroyed code for Zed Shaw

And since that day, not one looked at Fossil the same way, at least not the same way they looked at git

https://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]...

I can't tell for sure how much of impact this had on fossil's adoption, its hard to beat git no matter how good you are, but I think it was a bit hit

I'm pretty familiar with a lot of Zed's doings but I had missed this one. I doubt it impacted the adoption much, losing one advocate like that isn't going to doom your project.

I finally gave Fossil a serious try last year for a few months, just on my own but I don't think my opinions would change if I tried in a team setting. I still love the idea, but the execution is... ghetto. Serviceable, certainly, but ghetto is the best overarching description I have for it. You have to be willing to look past a lot of things, sure many of them are petty, in order to take it over dedicated polished services for the things it combines. And git+[choice of issue tracker]+[choice of forum]+[choice of wiki]+[choice of project website]+etc. is the real competition against Fossil, not git+nothing, so even if it was better on the pure version control bits it would still be a tough battle. (Not to mention the elephant git+github is a pretty good kitchen sink on its own if you don't want to think about choices and have something serviceable that's also a lot less ghetto.)

I also realized how much I love git's staging area concept once it was gone -- even when I had to use Perforce a lot, at least Perforce has the concept of pending changelists so you have something similar. I've never been a big fan of git's rebase, but it's also brought up a lot as a feature people are unwilling to give up, and I see the appeal. In summary, I think the adoption issue is just that people who do eventually give it a shot find usability issues/missing functionality they aren't willing to put up with.

And git+[choice of issue tracker]+[choice of forum]+[choice of wiki]+[choice of project website]+etc. is the real competition against Fossil

I think that this is only true for some projects. For some people, the ease of self hosted setup (one executable) and the fact that you can change the documentation, edit code and close bugs offline is a big win that no centralized service can compete with.

Sure, one executable is nice, that might be enough of a payoff for some people to overlook the rest. I think you may be underestimating the amount of choice that's out there though. For documentation alone there's countless options that don't require a centralized online thing. Three I'd use over Fossil again are 1) simple project doc/ folder with .md files inside (which you can render locally to look just like github with https://github.com/joeyespo/grip) 2) Doxygen or a language-specific equivalent if it's better 3) libreoffice docs stored either in the same repo or another one (perhaps a submodule).

For project management I'm less familiar with the options out there but I'd be surprised if there was nothing that gives a really stellar offline experience. I'd give a preemptive win to Fossil on the narrow aspect that your issue tracking changes can be synced and merged automatically with a collaborative server when you come back online, whereas if you stood up your own instance of Trac for instance I'm not sure if they have any support for syncing. If you're working by yourself, though, then there's no problem, Trac and many others work just like Fossil and stand up a local server (or are dedicated standalone programs) and work the same whether you're offline or online. But when I'm working solo I prefer low-tech over anything that resembles Jira (and I don't even really dislike Jira) -- I've played with https://github.com/dspinellis/git-issue as another offline/off-platform option but in my most recent ongoing solo project I'm quite happy with a super low-tech issues text file that has entries like (easy to make with https://github.com/dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode)

    | Add thing    |
    | Done whens / |
    | other info   |
and when I'm closing one I just move it to the issues-closed file as part of the closing commit. I might give it an identifier if I need to reference it in the code/over multiple commits.