One thing that happens when you learn to build web things using React before learning html, is that you don't care about links.
When I joined my team, all links were buttons, random elements, or with onClick. Nobody complained, but that meant ctrl click was useless, right click did not give you the options you wanted.
This is the only thing I'm a dictator about. There is zero room for negotiation when it comes to links.
Since we're on the topic of how people should learn to build web things: what do you think are the most important things to learn first to make web stuff? The "right" way? Just raw HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript (Typescript?)? It seems common among programmers to criticize the overuse of web frameworks. Are there a lot of people who learn only web frameworks?
Really. At this point this is what websites should strive to be. Text on the screen.
Everything about HTML can be learned from the MDN documentation:
It can be written by hand but that's way too verbose. Pug is a great solution to that problem: it's just HTML but much less verbose. I integrated it with GitHub Pages so pug sources get compiled to HTML and published when commits are pushed. Great experience.
After this, the next step is to learn CSS so you can make it look a little nicer.
Javascript should only be necessary if you want to do something like this: