> This works without creating a socket server on your machine, so you won't have to configure firewalls and ports to share your applications.

Perhaps I’m missing something. Is this not running on your machine? Are we reliant on some hosting service?

It appears that, by default, the textual-web command makes a WebSocket connection to textualize-dev.io and hosts through that. WebSocket is a session-based network protocol that allows for long connections with bidirectional traffic.

In this case, the computer running textual-web initiates the connection, so there’s no need to listen for new incoming connections. But in all other respects, it’s acting like a server. The code is still running on your machine with all the permissions it had when you started it, so... be careful.

Take a look at the repo, because the implementation’s fairly small and the README has more info: https://github.com/Textualize/textual-web