How does a "monorepo" differ from, say, using a master project containing many git submodules[1], perhaps recursively? You would probably need a bit of tooling. But the gain is that git commands in the submodules are speedy, and there is only O(logN) commit multiplication to commit the updated commit SHAs up the chain. Think Merkle tree, not single head commit SHA.

Eventually, you may get a monstrosity like Android Repo [2] though. And an Android checkout and build is pushing 1TB these days.

But there, perhaps, the submodule idea wins again. Replace most of the submodules with prebuilt variants, and have full source + building only for the module of interest.



Most large monorepos simply are not on git. Google has Piper, Yandex has arc, Facebook has eden (which is actually semi-open-source, btw!), some companies use Perforce and so on.

Microsoft uses git.

Not off-the-shelf git though, they have their own file system virtualisation stuff on top. Some of that used to be open-source (Windows only, I think?).

VFS for Git is still Open Source:

Microsoft's blog posts have indicated a move to use something as close to off-the-shelf git as possible, though. They say they've stopped using VFS much and are instead more often relying on sparse checkouts. They've upstreamed a lot of patches into git itself, and maintain their own git fork but the fork distance is generally shrinking as those patches upstream.