I get why Microsoft did what they did.

I just still wish they would have at least OSS'd EdgeHTML instead of just shoving it in a closet somewhere.

I wish they had thrown in with helping Firefox instead of handing even more web influence over to Google. A percentage of what Microsoft spent on EdgeHTML contributed to the Firefox project—ideally as employee time—would go a long way, along with the counterbalance of putting the Firefox engine and code base front and center of more Windows users.

Sadly Chromium is WAYYYY easier to development on than Firefox. Had Mozilla spent effort making the base of it as a framework in the same way Chromium is, they may have considered it.

There is a reason why Electron, QT etc use Chromium.

I was just thinking, "Why isn't there an Electron for Firefox?"

They worked on it a bit [0] but it has been abandoned along with all the other embedding efforts over time. As someone who embeds Chromium (via CEF) only because it's easy, I would really appreciate (and have been shouting into the wind about) focus on the embeddability of Gecko.

0 - https://github.com/mozilla/positron