This topic comes up periodically as most people think PDFs are some impenetrable binary format, but they’re really not.

They are a graph of objects of different types. The types themselves are well described in the official spec (I’m a sadist, I read it for fun).

My advice is always to convert the pdf to a version without compressed data like the author here has. My tool of choice is mutool (mutool clean -d in.pdf out.pdf). Then just have a rummage. You’ll be surprised by how much you can follow.

In the article the author missed a step where you look at the page object to see the resources. That’s where the mapping from the font name use in the content stream to the underlying object is made.

There’s also another important bit missing - most fonts are subset into the pdf. Ie, only the glyphs that are needed are maintained in the font. I think that’s often where the re-encoding happens. ToUnicode is maintained to allow you to copy text (or search in a PDF). It’s a nice to have for users (in my experience it’s normally there and correct though).

That's awesome. I'm relying a lot on Amazon Textract for my PDF parsing needs.

Do you have any other insights on how to do a good job at that natively, i.e. without a cloud provider? Especially when dealing with tables.

PDF format does not give you enough semantic information to understand there is a table. The stream contains instructions such as moving to a coordinate, adding some text, adding some lines. No tool can extract tables with 100% precision.

Yeah, but Textract uses OCR/computer vision even in PDFs with embedded text data and it can extract tables incredibly well. I believe there isn't an open source equivalent. Maybe some advanced usage of tesseract?

This seems to have stalled but if popped up a few times on HN in the past. Might still be worth a look.

Are the documents scans, or do they have real text on them? It’s worth trying to convert them to svg or html using “mutool convert” and then seeing what you can do with the results. If you’re dealing with the same type of document each time you’ll probably find the patterns in there are common enough that you can easily grab what you want.