I tried to deploy GitBook in 2017 IIRC, and left it alone after seeing how it's shared to prevent re-deployment. I didn't know they abandoned the idea of "Looking Like Open Source" in 2018.

VSCodium may be open source in theory, but it's designed to be deployed in a less functional fashion than VSCode, more like a "Freemium", hence the "Codium", ringing me like "-ish", or "looks like". It's designed as a funnel. Yes, it's there, and it works, but it funnels users to Microsoft's closed version. Or you can embed it as an editor to your project, but not much more. I'd rather use KATE, Eclipse, Vim, Emacs, etc. Instead of it. Heck even Atom or its current incarnation is better.

Zed is also like VSCodium. The tool is "Open Source", with a proprietary backend and egregious data siphoning capabilities. It backstabs you, and being open source changes nothing.

I have given Elastic and HashiCorp as examples of companies using open source as a way to get support and traction in the early days, and back-pedaling when things didn't go as their plan. Whether this is calculated or not is another matter, but they look like they didn't fully think it through.

I agree that if open source client software requires a proprietary web service to be used, that software as a whole is not open source. That doesn't mean the test of the four freedoms is insufficient, it simply means that the test needs to be applied to both the client and the server.

> VSCodium may be open source in theory, but it's designed to be deployed in a less functional fashion than VSCode, more like a "Freemium", hence the "Codium", ringing me like "-ish", or "looks like".

VSCodium is not "designed" to be less functional, since it is a project maintained by developers who are unaffiliated with Microsoft. VSCodium is an application that is "deployed" in the exact same way as Visual Studio Code on the desktop. The name VSCodium is a nod to Chromium, not "freemium".[1]

Using the Chrome analogy, Visual Studio Code is like Chrome, proprietary and closed source. Microsoft's "Code - OSS" repo[2] is like Chromium, and serves as a functional open source base for the closed source software with the proprietary client-side features omitted. VSCodium[3] is like Ungoogled Chromium,[4] with both being community projects unaffiliated with Microsoft/Google. VSCodium takes "Code - OSS", strips out the telemetry, and uses the Open VSX Registry[5] for extensions by default instead of Microsoft's proprietary Visual Studio Marketplace.

> Or you can embed it as an editor to your project, but not much more.

Have you ever used VSCodium? It's a full editor that includes almost all of the features of Visual Studio Code. It does not need to be embedded to be used.

> Heck even Atom or its current incarnation is better.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but Atom was developed by GitHub, which was acquired by Microsoft. After the acquisition, Microsoft diverted development efforts to Visual Studio Code, and both VSCodium and "Code - OSS" currently run circles around Atom in both performance and features. It doesn't help that Atom was discontinued last year, with the final version having been released in March 2022.[7]

[1] https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium/issues/28

[2] https://github.com/microsoft/vscode

[3] https://vscodium.com / Source: https://github.com/VSCodium/vscodium

[4] https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium

[5] https://open-vsx.org / Source: https://github.com/eclipse/openvsx

[6] https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/VSCode

[7] https://github.com/atom/atom