A bit OT but I was curious about

> One solution was building GitSlice, which enables creating sub-repos that sync with the upstream repo. When GitStart devs create PRs on the platform, GitSlice syncs them upstream while pulling back CI/CD checks and review comments. This enables our devs to contribute with limited codebase access.

Is this an internal tool or something you also make (or plan to make) available? We have this problem too at Ritza (a technical writing agency), where often our customers have a mono-repo with a docs/ subfolder that we need access too. Currently we solve this with some custom bash scripts and cron to sync just a subfolder to an internal copy, but is far from perfect and still involves some manual cherry-picking.

You can potentially use CopyBara https://github.com/google/copybara

We go much further than CopyBara by syncing CI / CD pipelines, syncing review comments and so on.

We are considering launching GitSlice as product on its own. If you are interested, email me and I can keep you updated when its ready to test (hamza [at] gitstart [dot] com)