I have no strong opinion on serverless but I’ve used Rails for 13 years now (in massive $multi-million SaaS products as well as hobby projects) and it still makes me happy. I keep thinking about learning Node and React but I just can’t be bothered because Rails lets me get things done so quickly while also being a joy to write Ruby and Rspec.

Regarding hosting, I think this is actually a great time to host Rails apps either via Heroku, via the new Digital Ocean k8s app cluster or – and this is my new favourite tool – using Hatchbox.io to deploy apps to Digital Ocean or AWS. It’s a dream!

I’m also a big fan of rails, but I’ve experienced a lot of problems scaling it. A lot of the problems ultimately came down to the simple fact that Ruby is really, really slow. At a certain scale you end up forced to develop infrastructure on a different stack to keep up with the CPU load. I never ran into that so quickly when building similar systems with java, go, and C#.

I wanna say something nice about rails too so I’ll say I have never seen a team so quickly deliver high quality web app features than a well oiled rails team. It’s something to behold.

This very much depends on the use case. If you are truly CPU-bound than yes, ruby is a bad choice. Similarly, if you are IO-bound or otherwise need a lot of concurrency ruby is not great. I also think it's problematic for large code bases with hundreds of developers. However, there is a huge swath of web apps and APIs that just need to pull a bit of data from a DB or two, munge it together and send it to the client. Rails is perfectly horizontally scalable and plenty fast for this even at scale given Amdahl's law.

That said, there are definitely some self-inflicted wounds people run into here. Of course there are the oft-cited expert beginner problems like n+1 queries and missing indices, but there's a more subtle issue as well: ActiveRecord itself is so convenient that it discourages writing baseline efficient code even when you need it. Basically any time you need to process a medium to large amount of data, ActiveRecord acts like a sort of super boxed type (to use Java terminology) adding a huge amount of overhead. Yes it's true that ruby doesn't even have true primitive types that can achieve the performance of Go or Java, but often times ruby primitives are plenty fast, you just have to be willing to write a bit of extra code, and ActiveRecord as an ORM has plenty of escape hatches at various levels of granularity to facilitate this (eg. pluck, find_by_sql, update_all, execute, etc).

Could you go into more detail about what you see as issues with IO bound tasks?

My understanding is that MRI Ruby provides non-block IO operations if you wrap them in a thread and that it is only CPU bound tasks that are blocked by the GVL.

Is there some other issue related to that?

(JRuby provides fully multi-threading for cpu bound tasks without GVL).

"My understanding is that MRI Ruby provides non-block IO operations if you wrap them in a thread and that it is only CPU bound tasks that are blocked by the GVL."

All IO operations in ruby are subject to the GIL (global interpreter lock).

GVL is an implementation detail rather than a feature of the language (I believe the term Global VM Lock replaced GIL in the standard library, sometime around ruby 2.0ish I think).

JRuby, for example, has no GVL including for CPU based code; everything there can run in parallel.

Even in MRI Ruby though, wrapping IO operations in a thread allows you to release the GVL when the IO operation blocks.


  5.times.map do
    Thread.new do
      Net::HTTP.get('example.com', '/index.html')
Will perform those network requests in parallel rather than sequencially. This is how ActiveRecord can perform asynchronous database calls in parallel on MRI Ruby.

I got that HTTP example from[1], which has a good write up but it's also covered in Working with Ruby Threads by Jesse Storimer[2].

I asked the original question because in the Concurrent-Ruby Readme they discuss Ruby's mutable references and the possibility of thread safety issues because of that.[3]

1. https://pawelurbanek.com/ruby-concurrent-requests

2. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17826435-working-with-ru...

3. https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby