I'm glad to see they're picking up native type-hinting. I don't like many of the existing bolt-on type systems for Ruby and the whole thing feels so much more kosher when it's official.
The concurrency stuff is cool but I can't really comment on it, my rule is "if you're going to even think about threads, just use Java or go" since concurrency is so nice there.
I really wish ruby had won over python as the "general purpose scripting language", I like it better. For example, I wish all the "big data" tooling was written in Ruby. But python is just the lingua franca. PySpark, Pandas, Airflow, etc are all python. I'm not really going anywhere with this, just lamenting I don't get to do more Ruby in my day job. I recently switched to writing python at home just because my productivity is so much better because I've memorized the standard library better from using it for years at work.
I could see reasons for preferring Java over Ruby but concurrency isn't one of them considering that Concurrent-Ruby running on JRuby gives you access to all of Java's concurrency tooling.[1]