as someone who has been using kde neon exclusively for a few years now, i am very happy.

I have not done any customizations beyond the wallpaper of the day and dark mode but still, there is a tonne of stuff that can be changed.

I feel like the "welcome to kde" app should introduce users to the customizations they can do on the software, from themes to wallpapers to cursors to file open action and all the things.

my point is, i recently gave a kde neon to a sibling. they did double click and it felt weird and they said "WTH is happening. i dont want it"..

i was observing their action and i said "well you can change that behaviour. go to settings, touchpad, then double click......"

what i am getting at is, there should be a way to educate users that most if not all behavour can be changed and where to expect those things to be.

"point and shoot" became popular because of that reason only. point and shoot.

kde is like point and shoot but can be changed. users think it is point and shoot like gnome but dont know it can be changed.

one thing i would totally recommend for kde is bismuth

it's tiling for kde and it works REALLY well.