This is the kind of feature that will get people really interested in moving code to Python 3. Everyone said it was lacking a blockbuster feature, this could be it.

As someone still using Python 2 (due to the very large number of libraries and tools I rely on for Python 2), I tend to look at these kinds of features more with the eye of "why not implement this for the language people are actually using more often, aka Python 2, rather than trying to use it to fight an ideological battle to move people to a language people aren't, aka Python 3?". The mentality just makes me unhappy with the attempts to somehow force everyone to move, rather than suddenly excited to use Python 3.

I thereby ask: is there something about Python 3 that makes this feature extremely easier to implement or extremely easier to integrate? If not, wouldn't it be more interesting to have "more impact" by improving the lives of a larger number of people? Python 3 was maybe an interesting experiment, but given how well Ruby 1.8->1.9 went and how poorly Perl 5->6 has been, it seems like people should be learning some lessons and fighting a more winnable battle.

Maybe the people who want to encourage people to migrate to Python 3 should he spending their time not providing "killer features" but instead narrowing the gap between the two versions, not by back porting features to Python 2.7, but by making it easier to use code written for Python 2 in Python 3. It should not have taken until 3.3 to see the u'' syntax return for compatibility with Python 2. :(

The current strategy of "try to convince an army of people to port a bunch of code from Python 2 to Python 3 while people are at the same time still often writing code for Python 2", which is what we are seeing being asked of people in other posts here over the last few days (there was a post about this for Debian) just seems like a waste of effort leading to tons of lost ground to alternative languages.

This is new syntax that requires at least a new minor version. It can't be back-ported to Python 2.7. You might even say that what people find so appealing about Python 2.7 these days is that its syntax will never change.

Python 3 is not Perl 6, and that's a banal comparison to make. Python 3 has had many releases, and has had most packages ported to it. Perl 6 has had no releases. Ruby 1.9 should be an example that making incompatible changes that force everyone to upgrade is possible as long as you make timely releases.

What gap do you still think there is to be narrowed? We're not on 3.2 anymore. Complaining that "it should not have taken until 3.3" doesn't matter now.

What most people are arguing is quite the opposite of you -- they're saying they could switch to Python 3, and they would if there were a killer feature that mattered to them, but just being cleaner and making the core developers happier isn't enough for them to change the way they use Python. So I say, bring on the killer features.

According to that page, Rakudo is a still a preview release in development. The Python 3.0-3.4 series have been full production releases.

Now, I know that open-source projects are sometimes quite conservative with versioning, and one project's 0.9 may be more stable than another's 2.0. (I maintain an HTML parser [1] that's still on 0.9.3 and yet is more robust and better tested than one that is on 3.8.2.) Is this actually the case with Rakudo, though? You can write real production software with Python 3.4; can you with Rakudo #86?
