Heh, the "you don't need GUI" one is extremely underwhelming. Anybody who knows what terminal is already knows about all those commands and none of them is easier than a GUI. It could make more impact if it actually explained tasks that are harder to do in GUI than in the command line, such as massive renaming of the files, filtering files depending on content and so on.

I use both CLI and GUI, but here's an area where I think the CLI just rocks: Instructions for installing and configuring software. Typical instructions for Linux:

    sudo apt-get install foo 
    sudo apt-get install bar
    cd ~/somewhere
    sudo nano something, change these lines
The same instructions for Windows involves screen after screen of text interspersed with annotated pictures of dialogs, which become obsolete when the OS is revised.

In fact, I've seen an increasing number of Windows installation tips being given in CLI terms:

    windows+R cmd
    enter this command
It would be interesting to see some sort of tool, online or within the system, where you enter a command string and it explains what the command does.
tl-dr might be what you're looking for
