I'm a big fan of WSL, which has kept me on Windows for years more than I otherwise would have.

But I can't stand the scammy adware infused OS Windows has become and will be moving to Apple Silicon full-time when the next gen M3 Desktop hardware is out.

As a recent M2 Macbook Air owner I'm surprised how much software supports ARM/Apple Silicon natively, where everything I use daily as a .NET developer worked OOB [1]. It's also great for running multiple OS's, e.g. you can install a headless Ubuntu with `brew install lima` or install and run latest ARM Windows 11, Ubuntu and Fedora OS's with UTM [2] which saved me a Parallels License I thought I needed to run Windows on macOS.

[1] https://servicestack.net/posts/postgres-mysql-sqlserver-on-a...

[2] https://mac.getutm.app

I wanted to add a new user account on my new Windows 11 system. It came with Windows Home right. So when I went to add one, it told me that feature is disabled because I have poor man's Windows, go to this other program. So I go to program B. Guess what program B told me? It told me I was using poor man's Windows to go back to program A to add a new user. I had to do it via command line. After I was about to remove my Hotmail user (I just wanted offline only users) I said screw this, and installed POP_OS! instead, installed Steam, and move on with life. I even played the good 'ole Cyberpunk 2077 on Linux thanks to Proton.

I think at this point I have nothing keeping me using Windows other than the rare game that Proton doesn't support, but my old gaming rig still works and plays most games, so I can easily swap. It pisses me off though, because my Windows 10 box for some reason, at some point, any new program I install does not show up in the start menu whatsoever. I've not even been able to find anything on Google that remotely answers why its broken. At least with Steam I dont have to worry about it, but if I hit Windows Key and type anything, I dont see any programs I installed like three years ago. Freaking weird.

Anyway, I think moving forward I'll be buying Mac or Linux Systems. I'll let employers buy me Windows boxes.

Edit: Typo'd Proton as Photon ;)

Unfortunately Linux is still far from ready. It's awesome that it can run Steam games quite seamlessly, and it can even run non-Steam games if you fiddle around a bit and find the magic incantations. But - I tried using it for things like GoG, and quickly found out that there is actually no way of running GOG on Linux, even with Proton/Wine, unless maybe if I go and install a bunch of other 3rd parties. Not to mention, installing the Nvidia drivers without first running an apt upgrade on my newly installed system quickly broke the whole thing to where it wouldn't even boot.

So back to Windows it is, and hoping that they respect the GDPR enough to protect me from the worse of their snooping.

It's called heroicgameslauncher, runs on Linux and works with GoG.
