GNU Emacs is now dependent on TreeSitter which is a MIT-licensed project and LSP which is a Microsoft project. Also built-in support for non-gnu packages to install. Soon it will be a non-gnu project entirely. I think it's a bit sad that the ideological basis is beginning to be abandoned but I think there is not enough believers in the ideology anymore.
I would say most modern editors (Helix, Neovim) do TreeSitter and LSP better than Emacs today and probably for many years to come
The dynamic module system is generally a win for pragmatism over ideology, and it has been around for 7 years already. You can't do everything, like say extending core graphics of Emacs, but you can do a lot in any language of your choice if you feel constrained by Elisp. Tree-Sitter feature is built on top of that so it's not clear to me why do you think Emacs can't do better than say neovim. I use neovim and tree-sitter daily and generally don't think tree-sitter itself is rock solid yet, I run into indentation and slow query issues semi-routinely. But I am much more impressed with the work happening on Emacs community that leverages tree-sitter for advanced tooling [1].