I am thrilled to see so much progress on V! I remember being excited about this language and seeing an immense amount of hatred, skepticism and doubt, and unfortunately being taken in by it.

Is this hatred still present?

Has anyone used the language extensively that can comment on its usability?

I'll always be skeptical of the claims. Much less of a trust but verify, but a "you have to verify every little thing" [1]. The analogy that came to my head is how Elon always says self-driving is coming right around the corner [2]. Sure, some progress is made towards it, and maybe it'll come true one day... but don't take any of the claims at face value.

[1]: https://mawfig.github.io/2022/06/18/v-lang-in-2022.html

[2]: https://jalopnik.com/elon-musk-tesla-self-driving-cars-anniv...

None of the bugs in the first article are relevant today.

All I'll add is that whether or not that specific example holds up today matters little to the wider point: which is, that the language makes promises, and you need to verify each claim due to the repeated [0] ambiguity/inaccuracies about them.

[0]: Across the span of the 2019-2022.

It is very easy to verify. Just have a working C compiler + git + make:

    git clone https://github.com/vlang/v
    cd v
    ./v your_program.v
On a modern machine with good network, it will take you under a minute, to have your own copy of latest V, and less than 200MB, including the .git/ folders.

You can also download .zip releases from https://github.com/vlang/v/releases , without needing git. The .zips there are <15MB, and contain a prebuilt V executable, so you do not even need make to use it.