I'm the author of the generator. There's a presentation on the project here: https://fosdem.org/2018/schedule/event/rust_qt_binding_gener...

Happy to answer questions.

How difficult is it to hook up to OpenGL?

By default Qt renders with OpenGL. You can talk to OpenGL via the Qt APIs. You can provide application logic in Rust, but the actual GUI is still written en C++ or QML.

You can use Qt 3D for a UI with Rust logic. Writing a 3d scene with the declarative QML language is nice. Or you do this with your favorite text editor or Qt 3D Studio.


I guess I meant, how difficult is it to have a OpenGL component with relatively arbitrary OpenGL commands issued from Rust. I don't really care if the buttons are rendered in OpenGL or not, but I need an OpenGL pane inside a normal GUI. Imagine a Rust CAD application with a QT GUI.

QT-3D doesn't really fit my use case unfortunately.

RQBG does not generate bindings for that, but you could derive from QOpenGLWidget and write FFI to call into Rust for painting and resizing. Then you'd use Glium to do the painting. You can still use RQBG for the application logic.

