Oil looks pretty incredible and I think both the work done and the dedication to backwards compatibility are admirable.
That being said it seems like Oil is polishing the shiniest turd. I never liked Unix shells or shells much in general and strongly prefer to type out commands in a script (usually Python or Perl) and then run that script. It takes longer but I actually trust the result to work and I’ll understand it two months from now. Also when you do that you get all the benefits of using your riced-out, LSP-enabled editor. Ofc I still use a terminal for apt and other such programs, but not munging data.
It seems like if you wanted to make a modern shell you would work on improving the interface and not so much the internals. Like in the SerenityOS terminal emulator, how everything is clickable. I’ve always wanted an easy way to “export” a shell session to a script, including env variables and whatnot. Maybe types in YSH will enable better terminal emulators, I don’t know.