Disappointed that the article alluded to but never explains why classes should be avoided in Typescript. (Which I agree, btw)
If you’re used to classes, it’s really tempting to create classes for your models. But in Typescript, which gets compiled down to plain old JavaScript, you spend a lot of your time dealing with JSON and plain old JavaScript objects (POJO). These don’t have methods. These don’t have private members. These don’t have constructors.
You actually don’t need any of that. You just want type safety around your JSON and POJO. That’s why more often than not, you’re going to be using interface.
I’m not saying never use classes. But don’t use classes to define models. Use classes for controllers.
I still don't hear a good argument as to why you should't use classes for your model.
I use [serializr](https://github.com/mobxjs/serializr) to convert json to my classes, and afterwards I can have all the deligtful methods I want. :-) I love the code clarity this gives, methods are where they are most logical, instead of on some helper object.
[1] https://github.com/typestack/class-transformer [2] https://github.com/typestack/class-validator