1. Their engineers already know React syntax and tooling. 2. The React Native ecosystem is orders or magnitude larger

I played around with Flutter for a personal project and there very few third party packages.

Things have improved though last time I checked 4 years ago. Flutter UI kit is definitely more complete and not fragmented as RN UI kits, or even React UI kits. On top of that you have official:

- firebase

- supabase

- revenue cat

- stripe

- google maps

- google ads / analytics

- grpc

- webview

- tensorflow

just to name a few - there is even more community one e.g: lottie, mobx, just_audio etc.

interop seems also improved:

cffi got improved and been out of beta for a while and they also added FFIgen [0] that can generate bindings to C and Rust C

rust flutter bridge [1] - even though not official is very popular and well maintained. So you can use vast cross-platform crates if you need something more advanced and low latency like for Audio you have CPAL

[0] https://pub.dev/packages/ffigen

[1] https://github.com/fzyzcjy/flutter_rust_bridge