# I'm so frustrated, this product was advertised so many times and it also was "rebrended" a lot. At first it was an API hub, then it became an alternative to AWS, then the author was selling it as serverless thing, now it is Universal Public API Interface.
Author is also know for working on project called micro that changed the license once so you could not use it for any purpose that competes with the project, but it was changed to Apache later again. Such bold decisions of the author and now the creator of m3o service makes one to think twice before trying the product. Link to the commit: [Update LICENSE · micro/micro@31c1254 · GitHub](https://github.com/micro/micro/commit/31c12547b9cd4a4fd0176b...)
Besides all of that product is bad, therefore doesn't suite for production use cases. A few points:
1. Pricing is dumb. "Unlimited API requests", "1M requests per credit", what does it mean?
2. Community support? Where is the community and the community can answer my questions if you don't have any documentation?
3. Any SLA? No even for Business plan?
4. Authentication and user management. Are you crazy? Who is going to use it? No idea is the data encrypted or not, can I backup it? Do you have failover solution? Again, SLA? This kind of API can't be just used by anyone in any production environment.
5. SMS API relies on credits. Where is the pricing for credits on your website?
6. What about OpenAPI, JSON Schema or GraphQL? JS, Go, Dart and Bash SDKs are not enough. You probably don't have enough resource to cover 99% of the most used programming languages, so just publish OpenAPI spec and let the customers to generate code in Java, for instance, until you finish the SDK for Java.
*Conclusion* It seems that m3o is just a pile of different API that are supposed to be an alternative to SMS provides like Twillio, some finance APIs, Email providers like Sendgrid, a few products from AWS etc. Yet it doesn't even cover a 1% of the features that those companies do provide.
Please, be responsible for your product, don't mislead your customers. If you want people rely on your product in production put in alpha or beta stage, make it free or let a limited number of users test it, work on every API you want to provide thoroughly, write documentation AND then put sell it.