What is the most compact representation for a complete chess game state? Can it be as low as 64 bits?
I don't agree with the reasoning in either of the other two answers you've been given, but Shannon (1950) gave the number of chess positions as somewhere around 10^43, so 150+ bits. The position accounts for almost all of the state.
You could do better with variable-length encodings and perhaps represent all "interesting" "plausible" positions in 64 bits, but as others said, compactness is really not a top priority in representations for chess engines, it's much more important to be able to query and update the representation.
Practically speaking, https://github.com/tromp/ChessPositionRanking gives a number between 0 and approx. 8.7 * 10^45 for any legal position, so it's only a couple of bits away from optimality.