Circle is the "C++ Successor" language I am most excited about, after writing a fair amount of D, and trying the Carbon interpreter.

The issue with D is that while it's a great language, and it has C++ interop, it doesn't have _direct_ C++ interop. As in, "just import an existing header and it works." You have to write or try to auto-generate "extern C++" definitions.

The issue with Carbon is that it is slowly-progressing vaporware at this point with as-yet-untested C++ interop.

Circle is real, has a "Carbon" mode that makes it syntactically identical, and yet has "just import it" interop. It's not open-source yet but hey, you can't have everything at once I guess.


(I want to add that I think D is a great language in it's own right, just not as "C++ successor")

I had the same vibes with Herb Sutter's cppfront. It offers full source compatibility by introducing a new syntax that can be mixed freely with the traditional syntax. Seems like it's actively being worked on here

I've not looked at Circle in depth. Do you or anyone else have a perspective on how they compare?