Every time I want to track some news source (or software release list) and that source offers no RSS/Atom feed, I add that missing feed myself.

For example, I wrote a feed generator that targets a specific software package release page. It scrapes the page and converts it to an Atom feed [1]. I then wrote a matching systemd service, which triggers the scraper once a day [2] and writes it to a file, no hosting required. My RSS reader is pointed to that file.

[1]: https://github.com/claui/release-feed-mediola/blob/fca39e897...

[2]: https://github.com/claui/release-feed-mediola/blob/fca39e897...

That is cool for a local feed. Have you tried it on a server?

I am able to get a lot of generally unavailable feeds using https://github.com/RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge running on my server. Perhaps this code could be someday brought in as a catch-all last resort.