Well, if that's what you want just use Prolog; everything you need is there including a huge number of libraries and a web application framework.

Although I personally don't understand why anyone would want to do this ... If you actually try using Prolog or Datalog, it becomes relatively obvious that it makes a very specific set of things easier at the cost of making everything else harder.

I want to do this to have only One High level declarative language to cover all areas to avoid impedance mismatch across all boundaries involved in full stack programming so that learning curve can also get reduced.

Sticking to one language increases productivity as it encapsulates many underlying lower level details which I must not be aware of to get productive. In order to get more productive, I seek a language which is more about WHAT to get done (declarative) than HOW to get done (imperative).

The parser, interpreter and JIT can hide away all the best practices which otherwise needs careful crafty knowledge, lower-level optimization, concurrency, data persistence and system level interfacing details.

I know to a certain extent it sounds like daydreaming but its awesome abstraction to have. :)

I prefer Datalog over Prolog for a simple reason that Datalog is more declarative and program termination is certain.

Not what you asked for, nor is it ready to use, but Aquameta may be interesting to you considering your high-level goal: https://github.com/aquametalabs/aquameta.