Java gets a bad rap from people that used it late 90's through early 2000's and got burned out by XML and design pattern heavy frameworks but its a lovely language that with a little discipline can be used to create very lean looking code.

Go is one of the HN darling languages and I work in Go everyday for work (and generally like it), but I really wish I could reach for Java most days.

“Java is a big DSL to transform XML into stacktraces” — so was the joke at the time when domain-specific languages were the hype.

This, and the FizzBuzz, Enterprise Edition:

More seriously, what are you missing in Go that is well-done in Java? I assume verbosity of the code is still the defining characteristic of Java?

Now we've got Spring, which in my, admittedly limited, experience does a great job of transforming what could have been compile-time errors into run-time errors.

The wheel of karma is ever-turning, though [0],[1].

Disclosure: I work for VMware, which sponsors Spring development.

