I don't think anything personal should be on port 80. Too much work!

What I think we really need is more stuff like ngrok and cloudflare tunnels, in easier to use form.

If it has to go through centralized infrastructure anyway, I'd rather someone else process all the traffic first, maybe even keep DoSes out, handle the SSL, etc.

If self hosting is ever going to be a thing again, I think we either need that, or full P2P(I've written before about why we need to have something like .onion service URLs but without the anonymity, and even used a DIY implementation of the idea for a while).

But at the moment, without adding anything new to browsers, hosting through a cloud portal seems to be the most practical.

Lots of alternatives to Ngrok and Cloudflare - https://github.com/anderspitman/awesome-tunneling. What we need is more open source and permissives ones which are well maintained and easy to use. fwiw, I work on one in the list called zrok.io, its open source and we have a free SaaS version.

I dont think (as the author suggests) that IPv6 everywhere is happening anytime soon.