Interesting. First time I've head of Wuffs. As someone that still uses C, this in particular sounds neat:


""" Wuffs' goal is to produce software libraries that are as safe as Go or Rust, roughly speaking, but as fast as C, and that can be used anywhere C libraries are used.

[...] Wuffs the Library is available as transpiled C code. Other C/C++ projects can use that library without requiring the Wuffs the Language toolchain. Those projects can use Wuffs the Library like using any other third party C library. """

The language itself is a little unreadable at first glance, but the idea of it is a very good one. sbt [1] is an amazing project for small embeddable toy programs, but using fuzzers rapidly shows how unsafe the code is, and the benchmarks in the original article show the extent of performance compromises made to make it work.

It seems like this would be an interesting approach to a lot of security programming where it involves data structures, since those have typically been a source of issues. Having a memory-safe ASN.1 parser would be really nice, considering how much difficulty that has caused in the security space.

With a lot of security programming there's a reliance on constant-time algorithms, which this may not be well-suited to, however.
