Could someone suggest a good book/article(s) about 3d software rendering from scratch. I want to use just plain WIN API or SDL to make let's say a 3d rendered cube. Is "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice" 2nd edition is all that I need or do you recommend other books?
I'd be curious to hear others chime in, but I feel like the situation is very similar to this article talking about games. Do you want to get pixels to the screen/file? Shaders and materials (authoring or implementing)? How commercial renderers are organized? My job is mostly using commercial tools, but a lot of us have made toy renderers, read books, and taken classes to reimplement the fundamentals.
It's been awhile, but a few common, imho approachable, sources are: - a rasterizer that starts with drawing a line - a basic raytracer that incrementally adds features - I've heard good things from people who have gone through the whole book. I haven't taken the dive, but thumbed through it and jumped around.
I wouldn't dismiss realtime stuff, either. Often, the concepts are similar but the feedback loop is much faster. I liked the UE4 docs on shaders talking about pbrt and the simplifications they chose when implementing it. There's a bunch of resources out there. I don't think single source is comprehensive. I say, start with something simple and find resources on specific things you want to know more about.
Let's just say that I want to create text file with 3d coordinates of an object (cube or sphere), and my software renderer shoould read this file and display it on the screen. And I can zoom in/out, change coordinates of vertecies with a mouse, rotate and move it. This cube can be wired or colored and if it wired I want to see which edges are visible and which are not. And to render this cube I want to use only setpixel/drawline functions from win api or sdl. Thanks for the links.