Click bait title. They really are quite different in very significant ways and not exactly comparable. For example GraphQL APIs allow for ad hoc querying of multiple resources and have a typed query language. Not that RESTful APIs can't do the same, but that's why they aren't really comparable. Interesting wrapper nonetheless.

Adhoc querying of multiple resources and REST are not incompatible, see e.g. oData. It basically offers the same functionality as GraphQL, but also follows all the Restfull http best practices.

You can see some oData examples here:

> Adhoc querying of multiple resources and REST are not incompatible, see e.g. oData.


Sometimes I wonder if graphql proponents either are unaware of established REST strategies and tooling or if they intentionally turn a blind eye .

In terms of ease of building a query (and resulting ease of comprehension of that query) that will give you the exact response structure you want from the client-side, the two are not comparable, there is no blind-eye turning in this regard as far as I can tell.

But I'd love to see an REST-based GraphiQL equivalent to prove this wrong: