I don't think there's any surprise that GraphQL reduces the size of the responses compared to typical REST (excluding things like JSON:API). If that's the measurement that's most important, then it seems GraphQL is the obvious choice.

For myself, the 'practicality' of GraphQL would be more on complexity of the implementation, training of engineers, potential re-implementation of client logic, ease and depth of debugging, performance, etc. It seems these days that the size of the response is not typically a limiting factor in most applications I've interfaced with (though maybe I've never been exposed to that world before).

Can anyone speak to how a migration from REST to a GraphQL went? My biggest concern is around the complexity of the thing. It just seems so much more complex than REST, but maybe I haven't spent enough time with it.

It depends on your backend architecture. We migrated a microservices (Go) architecture to GraphQL and it gets very complex with a lot of boilerplate. Perhaps part of that is GraphQL's and its supporting libraries' infancy, but supporting the ability to ~infinitely nest objects in a microservices architecture at scale makes every field addition feel like building a gigafactory.

On the plus side GraphQL is very simple and adaptable for frontends. It just comes at the cost of moving so much complexity to the backend.

I think it heavily depends on the server library for you language of choice. I've tried sangria for scala, graphql-java and graphene for python and all of them are quite different, and mostly badly documented, but I found the java implementation to be the easiest one to get started with.

Graphene seems like a nightmare but the documentation is improving and once you get used to the design it's actually not so bad and more feature complete than the others.

I think moving complexity to the backend is actually not such a bad idea, so the frontend can focus more on actually just displaying the information.

Using graphene at work.

Absolutely love graphql as a technology. The pagination and ability to structure a query to pull a lot of data is nice.

As for some of the other comments - it's true you can't just write any query: but you can always add new fields, lists, connections (basically a pagination-friendly list), etc against arbitrary things on the backend. It's your backend, you control what data you serve.

The graphql-python stack is layered like an onion (graphene on top, graphql-core inside). You will probably be doing something like flask-graphql or graphene-django on top of that.

There is a huge negative for python <-> graphql for us, and it's the error system and promises. Perhaps this is what graphql servers in JS are like, but graphql-core hijacks python's error system by wrapping fields in promises.

So graphql-core is acting very very true to graphql's implementation in node: to the point it creating a mountain of breadcrumbs in sentry.

It also overrides the "next" built-in and tries to emulate express-style callbacks. Another thing ported from node into python that doesn't translate well imo.

Aside from that though: graphene has been really speedy, fast to work with. Documentation is getting nicer. The developers on the issue tracker are very nice. And as a general graphql thing: https://github.com/graphql/graphiql is really nice!

And one more graphql thing: It's typed. In a big API, being able to lay out stuff like that goes a long way. We're generating typescript types via schema.graphql output, and response types via relay. In a real big frontend project, it pays off a lot.

I recommend giving graphql a shot.