As someone who has worked two jobs now writing, deploying, and operating Erlang clusters, I recommend switching to Rust. Erlang requires a lot of TLC to get right, it's super slow, and it's hard to burst. Like, super hard to burst. Erlang nodes are meant to cluster as a k graph and never go down. Modern ops, especially container ops, does availability through ephemerality of services. The BEAM just doesn't like to be treated like cattle. Also Erlang has notoriously bad error messages, very little abstraction, and converting between binary strings and lists is a pain. Gaining Erlang operational knowledge also takes a while. We eventually had to rewrite things like gen_server, ditch mnesia etc. as we scaled.

So why Rust? Like Erlang, it's damn good at concurrency and enables functional programming. It also enables event driven programming through tokio, which is a better fit for web servers than green threads (you're mostly waiting on the network). Unlike Erlang, it's super fast (even at math), has a great type system, amazing error messages, low memory usage, and the community is already quite a bit bigger.

One thing that's pretty frustrating about your comments, is how you both have an answer for everything but don't actually give any specifics, which makes it nearly impossible to actually address or consider your advice.

Also, fundamentally, I think you're way out of the norm in terms of system time to build. Getting the kinds of reliability and business value guarantees out of Rust is enormously harder than what you get out of the box with the BEAM. Having to hand-roll everything would take literally months, where I can be done and providing business value in hours in the BEAM ecosystem. Now, could Rust get to this place in another year or two? Completely. But it isn't there now, and, it still ignores my second issue...

...which is difficulty. I've been programming for just under 7 years, and while I've not learned C++, Rust is not only by far the most difficult language I've encountered thus far, it's exponentially more difficult. Months to grok the basics, likely years to be effective in it. You might've had an easy time hiring for this, but that might say more about your social group and hiring channels than the actual availability of talent.

> One thing that's pretty frustrating about your comments, is how you both have an answer for everything but don't actually give any specifics, which makes it nearly impossible to actually address or consider your advice.

What is it you want to know? I'm giving you my personal experience, not an essay. It's hard to find people who have professional experience with Erlang, so I thought it would be useful to other people who are evaluating it to hear from someone who has been there. I'm more than happy to dig into things more if there's a pointed question.

> Getting the kinds of reliability and business value guarantees out of Rust is enormously harder than what you get out of the box with the BEAM. Having to hand-roll everything would take literally months.

It depends on your needs. My issue is that it is enormously hard to fix the BEAM once you have built something successful with it. It's hard to hire for. Working with it involves lots of esoteric knowledge.

We also know that people are adopting highly reliable and scaleable systems. It's just not Erlang. Cloud enables this. Containerization enables this. Instead of Erlang's IPC, you can use an IDL and an RPC compiler. Instead of pids, you can have a service registry using etcd or DNS. You don't have to hand roll any of that.

What Rust gives you is the ability to quickly build correct, fast, and maintainable systems that are easy to scale because concurrency is a central theme of the language.

> I've been programming for just under 7 years, and while I've not learned C++, Rust is not only by far the most difficult language I've encountered thus far, it's exponentially more difficult.

What languages have you learned? Did you learn about manual memory management in school/camp/on your own? What's been difficult about it for you? I'll admit, I know a lot of languages. Most of the things in Rust are familiar to me outside of lifetimes, which I don't consider to be to difficult to learn. It's just making something you consider implicitly explicit.

We have hired three new grads who we started on Rust, and we got them up in running in a few weeks. They did have the books, mentorship, and assigned work involving small tasks to ramp up on.

> What is it you want to know? I'm giving you my personal experience, not an essay. It's hard to find people who have professional experience with Erlang, so I thought it would be useful to other people who are evaluating it to hear from someone who has been there. I'm more than happy to dig into things more if there's a pointed question.

While this whole comment thread has turned into a bit of flame war, I appreciate your candidness and think you’ve tried to fairly express your opinion. As someone who likes semi-obscure languages and systems it’s valuable to see when and where system designs fail for people. Personally without Elixir I wouldn’t want to delve into Erlang/OTP for many of the problems you mentioned. The Erlang syntax seems "elegant" upfront on small problems, but digging into say CouchDB or Riak it’s a bit of a pain to follow. The lack of good name spacing, etc, I find to be a pain.

Elixir is overall a syntax that works well for me, at least as well as Rust’s. The Elixir team have made great strides in providing good compiler error messages, and are actively improving the distribution/ packaging story. Hex and mix are fantastic, and on par with what I’ve use in cargo.

> It depends on your needs. My issue is that it is enormously hard to fix the BEAM once you have built something successful with it. It's hard to hire for. Working with it involves lots of esoteric knowledge.

Not sure I follow this. I’ve dug into the BEAM source and found it to be well designed and relatively easy to follow. Especially compared to CPython, but not as nice as Lua. Presuming you’re meaning fixing dist_erl and such, that’d make more sense. But how would it be any different than say tweaking consuld

> We also know that people are adopting highly reliable and scaleable systems. It's just not Erlang. Cloud enables this. Containerization enables this. Instead of Erlang's IPC, you can use an IDL and an RPC compiler. Instead of pids, you can have a service registry using etcd or DNS. You don't have to hand roll any of that.

Exactly! Except it works two directions. Having to learn and deploy say k8s, consul, and then learn gRPC and figure out how to route messages, etc is a lot of work. While I’ve not deployed a large cluster on BEAM, it’s clear that I wouldn’t want to scale a BEAM cluster more than a few dozen nodes. However, a few dozen nodes can handle the workload for probably 90% of companies. Being in small startups if I can effectively get binary RPC, distributed namespacing, etc, for free it saves a lot of trouble and effort. I’ve also found it’s not to hard to entirely replace the distributed namespace mechanism, with projects like Lasp or Swarm, or heck, likely shunt it off to consuld in the future.

All that said I like Rust and plan on using it in the future where I can, likely, in conjunction with Elixir via rustler. My work is primarily doing IoT work, where Rust is slowly evolving. I’d love to have a Rust "OTP" and actor system for IoT devices where Beam doesn’t fit.

> Elixir is overall a syntax that works well for me, at least as well as Rust’s. The Elixir team have made great strides in providing good compiler error messages, and are actively improving the distribution/ packaging story. Hex and mix are fantastic, and on par with what I’ve use in cargo.

I'm working on making the dialyzer error messages better, too, in Dialyxir[0] and Erlex[1] =).

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