On its own, the code representation is not an improvement. Where it shines is when you want to compose result sets.

For example, in ActiveRecord (the Ruby library that this looks very much influenced by), given:

  posts = Post.where(user_id: 1)
...you can now do things like:

  recent_posts = posts.order(created_at: :desc).limit(100)

  tagged = recent_posts.where('tag in ?', ['hacker', 'news'])
and then you can extract data:

or do mutate it:

  tagged.update_attributes({author_id: 2})

...And so on. By encapsulating a result set as something that can be augmented with new query clauses (where, limit, select) and so on, you can incrementally build queries, pass them to other functions, store them as member variables so that they be reused as "scopes" across multiple calls, and so on.

If the query were just a string, this sort of thing becomes awkward, verbose, brittle, and generally not type-safe.

That's normally done in SQL with JOIN, or in some cases, temporary tables.

The ORM model of building a query dynamically over multiple steps in multiple contexts gives you a lot more flexibility and more resilient code. You can share code that builds queries for multiple tables that share some, but not all, fields or relation patterns much more easily. And you can do it all without making multiple calls to the database.

See Sandi Metz' recent piece, The Wrong Abstraction [1]. I prefer a SQL template approach such as Yesql [2]. The trouble with an ORM like ActiveRecord is a lack of control of when and how the query is performed.

1. http://www.sandimetz.com/blog/2016/1/20/the-wrong-abstractio...

2. https://github.com/krisajenkins/yesql