Why anyone would use Oracle for anything other than supporting legacy systems is beyond me.

I have not been an Oracle fan in the past, especially because of their complicated (and expensive) licensing, but late last year we moved to their hosted autonomous database. The on demand pricing model makes it quite economical, and the performance is amazing.

However, the killer feature for me is that it has application Express (or APEX) included, which is a complete web application development framework, as well as Oracle restful data services (ORDS). With built-in application development and deployment, it is the only complete, full-stack data management platform I am aware of (enterprise level).

YRMV, but it has been incredible for us, both to support our data science initiatives, and for rapidly deploying applications. I couldn't imagine going back to anything else.

PostgreSQL + PostgREST == blinding light.

You get a RESTful interface to PG. All you need to add is a static page w/ some JS, for which you can use react-admin or similar.

Presto: web apps written in PG.

Can you point me to a good resource on this? I work 100% in the data layer right now, but the idea of being able to create an easy frontend (assuming I learn react) would be wonderful.