I've found GraphQL to greatly improve the developer experience when building web apps. As a front-end developer you can easily get a full view of the data and relationships. Tools like GraphiQL make exploring APIs a pleasure. And regardless of what you need to present to the user on screen, you can quickly build a request that perfectly matches the data you need. There is also the nice addition of strict typing and there are libraries that automatically generate TypeScript types for you from the schema and/or your operations.

To what extent are you just pushing complexity to the back-end developers?

> Tools like GraphiQL make exploring APIs a pleasure.

No argument there. Is there something similar for traditional REST? For some reason, I thought the point of HATEOS was to make that kind of exploration possible.

GraphQL cannot ever be explored in the same way HATEOAS can because it is missing the linking part (and other related technology like JSON-LD). That said, GraphQL does offer introspection[0] which is not a bad start but lacks the breadth an depth of the hyperlink based approaches.

[0]: https://graphql.org/learn/introspection/

I 100% agree with your statement. I also realize you are not championing HATEOAS here necessarily.

That said, I am curious if you have found this "linking" aspect of HATEOAS useful for actual implementations? I have been doing integration work with a system that strictly adheres to "REST level 3" and "HATEOAS" principles for the past few years, and I myself have found the "explore-ability" of the API super handy. That said, the self-documenting nature only goes so far, and in the end I'm not sure the internal linking stuff is preferable to robust documentation.

I'm not trying to be down on this necessarily, I actually generally push back on the adoption of GraphQL as the answer to every problem.

> That said, I am curious if you have found this "linking" aspect of HATEOAS useful for actual implementations? I have been doing integration work with a system that strictly adheres to "REST level 3" and "HATEOAS" principles for the past few years, and I myself have found the "exploitability" of the API super handy. That said, the self-documenting nature only goes so far, and in the end I'm not sure the internal linking stuff is preferable to robust documentation.

You're right, this is a reasonable question and the answer is uncomfortable. I personally find it useful when paired with OpenAPI -- generally by using annotations on controllers and models, but it is indeed rare to have usecases that fit the linking functionality well enough to be significantly better than what you would get from just good documentation.

The "killer app" of this space for me personally is a Django Admin[0][1] (or React-Admin[2]) clone that is 100% client-side automated. I don't have a demo yet, but once I do it'll be up on HN.

> I'm not trying to be down on this necessarily, I actually generally push back on the adoption of GraphQL as the answer to every problem.

Please, feel free to push back, that's what discussion is for, and ideas that can't stand up to push back probably shouldn't be adopted.

[0]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/ref/contrib/admin/#

[1]: https://djangobook.com/mdj2-django-admin/

[2]: https://github.com/marmelab/react-admin