> we found the start times with Kubernetes too slow
Just curious if you could elaborate here? I work with k8s on docker, and we're also going to be spinning up ephemeral containers (and most of the other things you say) with jupyter notebooks. We're all in on k8s, but since you might be ahead of me, just wondering what hurdles you have faced?
Our big problem was fetching containers took too long since we have kitchen sink containers that are like 10 GB (!) each. They seem to spin up pretty fast though if the image is already pulled. I've worked on a service that lives in the k8s cluster to pull images to make sure they are fresh (https://github.com/lsst-sqre/cachemachine) but curious if you are talking about that or the networking?
From what it looks like in your repo it might be that you need to do session timing (like ms) response time from a browser?
Also there's that project called Nydus that allows starting up big containers way faster. IIRC, starts the container before pulling the whole image, and begins to pull data as needed from the registry.