That's pretty impressive. Anyone using minio in production? What's the backup story?

I've only heard horror stories from people using this on real apps. The last one was a bug where MinIO wouldn't actually assert a file had been updated or something. Maybe they've improved since then, but I wouldn't call this "production ready" for the time being.

I think you're thinking of this comment thread:

I was also surprised by many of the comments. I had only played with minio a bit, and was considering using it. The durability comments were concerning, and there were other issues too.

One example is this bug:

Basically, it was treating object names like foo//bar in them the same as foo/bar, except for sharding, which thought they were different.

Their fix was just to disallow '//' in an object name, even though other s3-like implementations allow it.

Given that MinIO seems to be canonical way to add S3 API compatibility to Azure Blob Storage[1], this is not very encouraging.

We have a lot of products that use S3 API and Azure was the only cloud that did not offer that out of the box - at first I could not believe this was the case, because even smaller providers like Linode or Digitalocean offer S3 API compatibility. But then I found the post linked below.
