This article retreads common complaints about the F# experience for outsiders that I've seen numerous time. I'm going to go a different direction.

The problem with the F# community is that they keep asking how to convince C# developers to use F#. I'm convinced that is not the right way to grow the F# ecosystem.

Most C# developers tend to come from enterprise and have a set of values and practices that is generally at odds with open-source, functional languages. They are used to producing codebases that can never be open-sourced, using tooling provided by a single vendor. They don't tend to be the ones contributing interesting or new libraries. In fact, this is a large issue with .NET in general. Most strong libraries are spiritual or literal copies of something from the JVM world.

This urge hurts in other ways. For instance, Don Syme has indicated he doesn't want to put things like Type Classes or Dependent types into the language because it adds a cognitive load to the language that's hard to balance vs the gains in productivity. But their absence means that many of the dev's you actually want contributing to the ecosystem, just use other languages. They adopt Haskell/Idris/Scala/whatever and start contributing blog posts, tweets, libraries, conference talks, etc.

I actually think a large part of this decision is that many of these things would make F# pretty incompatible with C#, which is trumpeted as a feature, but again, it waters down the language to the point that C# dev's look at it and say, "Why bother? It's compatible like VB is, so C# can already accomplish the same things." And in the meantime, it prevents new features that would attract others.

What sounds more enticing to developers, "More Functional C#" or "Haskell With Better Tooling"? What's more, there are even examples of how some of these features could be implemented (both Type Classes and Dependent Typing exist in some capacity through feature requests and F*, an experimental Microsoft language).

Basically, F# should be more about being different than the rest of .net, than trying to be ".net through an OCaml set of glasses".

I think a better approach is encouraging the use of functional/F# concepts in C#.

I take this approach in my language-ext project [1]. I wrote it because as well as wanting to use F#, I had a decade old C# project to maintain, and I wanted to bring functional techniques into. We're (my team) finding that the pull to to F# is diminishing quite significantly; this is partly due to the functional framework features I've added to lang-ext; partly the new features of C# (expression bodied members, tuples, etc.), and majorly the relatively poor tooling.

This is not some desire for ReSharper in F#, it's basic stuff like compilation speed, the amount of time it takes for the red-squiglys to turn up (lulling one into a false sense of security), build issues: I have a C#->F#->C# dependency graph in a new satellite project I'm working on. If I change the root C# project then the F# project won't re-build/link, then at runtime I'll get errors that the F# DLL expected a function or type to exist that I'd removed from the C# one. And the absolute classic about the necessity for ordering files in the project in dependency order... I get that this reduces cyclomatic complexity, and that's laudable, but it's just a pain once a project gets to a reasonable size.

For my open-source projects I had to drop F# APIs from the projects because I couldn't create net451 and netstandard1.X project files that would build, pack, and be deployable to nu-get.

Also the interop story between C# and F# really isn't that good. Even though it's shouted from the rooftops as a main selling point. Everything prefixed with FSharp is ugly, FSharpFunc can't implicitly convert to Func, FSharpOption evaluates to null for None, so you get none of the safeness in C#, FSharpAsync is reeeaaally difficult to consume from C#, etc. This means we have to build an interop layer and that always feels like needless effort. It would be much better if there was some tooling support that could create proxies between the F# and C# worlds.

It always feels like there's something in the way. And the way of human inertia is that those seemingly minor niggles will tend to put people off full-scale adoption. I love F# as a language (well, not its OO grammar, but I don't use that), but C# + language-ext actually gives me pretty much everything I need (bar ADTs).
