This is as meta as it gets, but I learned what it sounds like when smart sounding, but closed minded people try to shut down an idea.

Looking over all the old YC projects that ended up being wildly successful, but their HN threads were full of naysayers who are better at sounding smart on the internet than providing actual feedback. Learning to differentiate between that kind of poster and people who have genuine feedback that reflects what users actually want is invaluable.

Yeah. Living in SF, where self-driving cars are a constant daily sight, I recently went back and read a HN thread from five years ago with comments like, “I work in the industry. There’s no way you’re going to be seeing them in 5-10 years.”

Someone should do a roundup of these kind of posts: the Dropbox announcement, etc

The infamous FTP top answer on the Dropbox launch is what led me to open source a solution to the Dropbox problem [1] after spending a bit too much time on the drawing board trying to understand the limit of FTP and why we couldn't have a Dropbox solution based on FTP. From that reflection I then made it work with every possible file transfer protocol you could think of.
