Google/Microsoft/Apple essentially did this with HTTP/3 too. None of their shipped browsers are able to connect to a non-"CA TLS" HTTP/3 endpoint. To host a HTTP/3 website visitable by a random normal person you have to get continued approval (every 3 months min) from a third party CA corporation for your website.

What do you mean approval? You'd need a cert from an entity like Let's Encrypt?

Yep. LetsEncrypt is great but everyone centralizing in them is not so great. Normal browsers having the ability to connect to a bare HTTP endpoint in HTTP/3 would solve any problems that might arise from this centralization. It's a straightforwards and easy thing to fix for the HTTP/3 lib devs and mega-corp browsers using those libs. But no one cares about it.

> While TLS 1.3 can still run independently on top of TCP, QUIC instead sort of encapsulates TLS 1.3. Put differently, there is no way to use QUIC without TLS; QUIC (and, by extension, HTTP/3) is always fully encrypted.

Basically there is no HTTP/3 without a TLS certificate.

I'm not sure what "problems that might arise from centralization" might be. There are many different TLS certificate providers from different CA roots.

Is your gripe that you don't like TLS? Judging by how long the migration from TLS 1.1 to 1.2 took, I assume we're at least 10-15 years away from a world where everything is encrypted by default without backwards compatibility (if we ever get there at all).

>Is your gripe that you don't like TLS?

I'm flabberghasted that that's what you took away from my comments. I thought I was very clear. My issue is the lack of HTTP support in HTTP/3 implementations shipped by the mega-corps (CA HTTPS only). CA TLS is definitely the least worst solution we have and I am not against it. I am saying major browsers' HTTP/3 implementations lack of bare HTTP support in HTTP/3, combined with short TLS cert lifetimes these days, is effectively attestation and that's bad. "Basically there is no HTTP/3 without a TLS certificate." is bad.

It could be slightly mitigated by the mega-corp implementations of HTTP/3 they ship accepting non-CA root based self-signed certs with a scaremongering click-through. But that's also no longer an option. If no company running a CA will give you a cert you'll simply be unvisitable (on HTTP/3). It makes the web something only for commercially approved sites.

Security measures like Cloudflare anti-DDOS reverse proxy rely precisely on widespread TLS, can deny access to any client not performing sanctioned TLS handshake (like curl, scrapers, or even old browsers which by chance can do TLS 1.2).