It says last updated in 2022 but I swear this list reads like it's from 1997.

I appreciate it nonetheless.

I browsed around the site and I found this collection which I like a bit more

It appears to be in roughly alphabetical order by topic, which is quite an accomplishment

Not sure exactly when Micropolis was added, but much later than 1997.

SimCity for Unix was originally released as a commercial product from DUX Software for OpenWindows/NeWS/HyperLook in 1992:

Then later DUX Software released a collaborative multi player version of SimCity for X11/TCL/Tk in 1993:

Then it was finally re-licensed under GPL-3 for the OLPC as SimCity, and for any other use as Micropolis in 2008 (with the multi player stuff disabled because the X11 network protocol was not safe or simple enough for kids to use on a mesh network):